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Joy Mobile

Every child deserves to explore their world, regardless of their sensory needs.

The Joy Mobile is a one-stop sensory experience designed to help kids reset and re-engage. Developed in partnership with designers and those with lived experience raising and teaching neurodiverse youth, the Joy Mobile’s ability to travel to destinations near and far will bring relief to families in any environment.

Why Joy Mobile?

This is an initiative that will impact individuals and communities by providing a solution to a pressing and growing need. 

  • The Joy Mobile provides a range of supportive sensory experiences 


  • It is an environment to satisfy and reset acoustic, visual, tactile and olfactory senses 


  • Creating a one-stop space that provides safety,
    relief and focus for those who are neurodiverse

Joy Mobile-On-A-Stick


Join us at the Great Minnesota Get Together

The Joy Mobile provides the overstimulated a destination to reset and refresh while caregivers witness the positive impact on their loved ones. Its calming environment fosters a sense of inclusion and its mobility expands the reach of Joy Collaborative's services.

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Be a leader in providing
stress relief in the community

Sponsorship is needed to ensure that we provide as many enriching experiences as possible. Reach out for a discussion on how your brand might be on the ground floor of this exciting new initiative. Let’s co-create a program to align your mission of serving this widespread need in the community.


The Joy Mobile is created in partnership with Joy Collaborative,
FOF Enterprises, and others with lived experience. 


Mark at Joy Collaborative    |   612.245.8453   |

Tony Farah, FOF Enterprises   |   612.532.1685   |

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2437 34th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406


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© 2024 Joy Collaborative

A 501(c)(3) organization  |   Tax ID  85-0494861  

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